
Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy day, all is well.

Funny story.

So on Tuesday, I woke up at 5am, going, "I'm going to go on trek today! Yippee!"

So I sat up and went, "Oh, goodness. That didn't feel good."

I felt pretty sick to the nast, but dude, I was going on trek that day, so I brushed it off and got ready.

I'm not gonna lie, I looked pretty dang good in 1800's garb.

So I nibbled on some strawberries, not feeling very hungry, and headed to the stake center, plastic bucket of earthly possessions in hand.

On the bus ride up, my tumm kept talking to me. It went, "Hey. Stop it. Go lay down and eat some soup, or juices, or summat like dat."

{P.S. I'm kind of imagining my stomach to have a low, quite, gruffy voice, so could you imagine that too? Kay thanks.}

And I went, "Shut up! You're making me gripe and complain! Pull yourself together and let's go pull some handcarts!"

And then it went, "No. I want some soup."

So when we all got up to Forest Lakes, where we were going to do our trek, I told my good friend Sis. Suorsa about me and my stomach's little disagreement. So being the dear that she was, she handed me some nuts to nibble on, and I nibbled as I waited to hear who my Ma and Pa would be for the next four days of my life. They turned out to be a couple who had been family friends of mine since the BIRTH, the Robinsons, so I was pretty joyful about that.

So we went and put together our handcart and loaded it, all the while my stomach trying to talk me into laying down and eating soups. But I didn't want to do that, silly! So I ignored that stupid little stomach.

Then we sat in a little shade under a tree and ate lunch. All I felt like eating was an orange, so I nibbled on that, and didn't even finish half of it. Then my stomach went, "You are an idiot. I'll show you." and I said, "Yeah, yeah, sure you will. Now put on your big boy panties and let's go push a handcart."

Bad move. Right then, I looked at my Ma and said, "Sis. Robinson, I feel pretty nasty."

So Sis. Robinson and I went over to the nurse, Sis. Danielson, who gave me some Pepto-Bismol.

"That should shut you up." I said to that dummy tummy.

So I walked back the handcart. was just about ready to go, when that antagonistic stomach pulled a fast one, and next thing I knew, I ran over to a clear area and threw up.

"Curse you!" I exclaimed, "That was one step too far!"

"I told you I'd show you who was boss!" the stomach laughed as I was about to get a blessing from my Pa and my bishop.

After the blessing, I was told to ride in the car with the nurse, which was a boring game where I had to sleep and watch everyone walk merrily along the trail without me. I was not a happy kid.
However, it must be noted that the nurse, Sis. Danielson, was a dear. She took good care of me and made sure I stayed hyrdated.

That game went on for about 5 hours. Then I called my mom and told her what had happened. She told me to call her if it got worse and she would come and get me, but if it stayed the same, to call her the next morning to report.

My stomach continued to scold me for not listening to him.

"I'm sorryyyyy! Please let me walkkkk!" I begged him.

"No, fool. Lay down. I want some juices."

So I laid there an hour or so until I got so hungry that I dug around in my apron to see if I had any sustenance. Sure enough, there was a bright, shiny, red delicious apple right in my pocket.

"Mmmmm.." I said with sparklies in my eyes.

"Don't do it, don't to it..."my stomach warned.

I took a crisp bite of that lovely little apple and ate.

"I won't say I told you so," said the stomach.

I ignored him again. He was such a pain. But alas, 5 minutes later, I was bowing to the ground, throwing up a second time.

This time, I turned to Sis. Danielson and said, "Sis. Danielson, I want to call my mom again."


I called my mom, and she came and got me at about 11:00pm. My bishop and some other priesthood leaders stayed up with me and kept me company, and when I got into my moms car, I collapsed into the backseat, and my uncle drove us home.

Stomach flu, you win this round.

But I will not forget how you stole my trek experience from me.

My wrath will be upon you, stomach flu. My wrath will be upon you.

{Come, Come, Ye Saints, Hymn 30}

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