
Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Sick day.

I went to bed last night feeling quite yucky. I almost threw up, and I couldn't sleep because of this nagging nausia feeling. Don't you hate that, when you're at the point where you wish it would just come out, but it's just lingering, and your stomach is yelling at you, and you're like, "You know what, dude? Either let it all out or just cool it!"
That's how the past 12 hours have been for me. Good times.
So, today I am taking my first sick day in a very long time. I think my last one was about this time last year. Which is kind of a record for me. I used to be sick a lot. Pink eye, pneumonia, pink eye with a side of pneumonia, ear infections, strep throat, or just plain sinus infections. I have quite a flimsy immune system. Fortunately, this year I have been able to keep myself pretty healthy. I've never even missed a day of my senior year until now. Pat me on the back. So now, since it's like my first sick day in forever, I'm kind of twitching and having an anxiety attack. I've never missed Ms. Bogg's cosmetology class. I need to help my english group finish our outline. There's a choir concert in two days. I'm missing a video in government. I'm freaking out, people, freaking ouuuuut.

So, to distract myself from the atrocity of my school absence today, lets talk about something else. Hmmm....

Oh riiiiiight! Shoes and clothes and hair. That's usually a pretty good distraction for a beauty school student. ;)
Oh! P.S. See that haircolor on the Disney Channel girl in the last picture? I totally want that haircolor. Maybe I'm bold enough to color it? Maybe... :)

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