
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Deeeeep breaaaathhhhsssss....

Writing is therapeutic for me. I have realized this.

Throughout my day, a thousand thoughts zip through my head.
When I write, I am spewing out a part of my mind. This quite literally relieves pressure in my head, quite literally calming headaches for me, headaches that are probably caused by a mind clogged with observations, ideas, worries, jokes, movie quotes, and whatever else is up there.
Therefore, I am going to start journaling regularly. If I journal something I feel is worth blogging, I will. Which hopefully means I will be on here much more often than lately.

Today, in my third hour English 102 class, I was frantically typing a research paper comparing poverty in the United States to poverty worldwide. I was panicking because this paper is due tomorrow, and I had only skimmed the surface of this paper. By the end of the hour, I had four out of the required 7 to 10 pages done. I felt quite accomplished, and deciding that I must be having some sort of Jimmy Neutron-esque brain blast, I thought I'd continue working on the paper the next hour (lunch hour) in my mom's classroom. So I clicked SAVE, logged out, and merrily walked to my mom's classroom.

When I got there, I logged back in, and opened the file "Poverty US and World".
I was distraught to see that the 1 1/2 pages I had started with that morning was all that was left. I had saved the rest to the computer that was downstairs and across campus. I huffed and puffed over there to see if I could email the full-length document to myself, but it was nowhere to be found! All that work I had done in third hour, lost in an abyss forever!

On top of this, I have a monsterous test in beauty school tomorrow.
"Pshhaah. Beauty school? Monsterous? Please..." you say.
Oh dude. You have no idea. I would rather take an AP test than the cursed "Cosmetology School Board Test".
Well, maybe. They are probably parallel in scariness and whatnot.

Anyway, wish me luck. I could only stay for a moment, for now I must get back to my dang-stinking essay.
All will be well. After tomorrow, it will be Thursday, and I think Thursday is my favorite day of the week. Then, on Friday, it will be senior ditch day, and then I will have a sleepover with my bestie-friend Jadyn Maree, before we go to the zoo and prom with our dates! Yes, we are totes dateable. Don't forget it.

Peace and blessings, PEACE and BLESSINGS.
Emily Jardine

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