
Thursday, June 03, 2010

Bad Semester Does Not = Stupid.

However, some people, including myself, have been giving me grief about it. Yes, my grades pretty much fell this semester.

Advanced Womens Chorale-100% A+

French I-79.5% B-

Honors Math Topic 4-81.9 B-

World Studies-90.1% A

Chemistry-71.1% C-

Honors English II-86.7% B+

I know that isn't super bad, but last year I had a 4.0 GPA. I intended to keep it that way. And then things started falling, and then I started freaking out, and that made it worse. AAAAHHH!


What makes me mad is people who think I'm trying to be a dumb blonde, or a slacker, or that I don't care about my future. I am none of those. I love learning new things. I love feeling like a machine that sucks in information and stores it for later. I love being the smart one that everyone wants to copy off of and going, "NO, FOO', get 'dem answers yourself!!" I love raising my hand first like Hermoine Granger, and I know this is weird, but I feel some pride in the dirty looks I get when I did so.

I miss that. It sucks being just like all the regular kids, going, "Um, haaaiiiiiiii quiet smart kid. Can you help me with this problem? Or this whole packet? I know I'm sorta supposed to be brilliant just like you, but, its complicated. Actually its not. I don't know." *Hangs head in shame*

Anyway, I'm definitely going on a tangent. Point is, that semester is way over. I have a clean slate.

Straight A's this year, watch me. :)

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! I bet you can do it!!! If you want I'll bet money that you can't (even though I know you can) just so you're that more motivated. Let me know ;)
