
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I can't believe that I'm so lucky, I have never felt so happy


So remember how when I joined beauty school, I had to quit choir, which is basically like surgically carving a large portion out of my soul?

{...Yes, Emily}

And remember how I cried often like this?

{Yes, Emily}

Well, today, I learned that I could sign up for choir again and that I could go straight to the concert choir (which is the high choir at our school). WHAAAAAT????

I put it all together. Keaton is taking A-hour seminary next year.

I want to be in A-hour seminary with Keaton.

That leaves 2nd hour open.

You know what 2nd hour is??


Party over herrrrrre!!!!

Like, seriously.

So today at lunch I found that old penguin I like to call Mr. Sargent {the choir director}

"SARGEENNNNT!!!!" I bellowed, "COME 'ERE!!!"

So I followed him into the choir room like a freak and said, "Sarge I wanna come back next year!"

I was quite suprised by his response. I thought he'd hide in a corner and lock a door that I'd be lightly knocking on for the next 20 minutes.

But what he said was, "What?? Really? Fantastic!" and he ran into his office, DIDN'T lock the door, and wrote a note to my counselor requesting a change in my schedule to 2nd hour concert choir.


I literally physically couldn't wipe the smile off my face for the next hour. It freaked people at hair school out.


So, what I'm saying is, choir friends, it was a sad parting period. I'm back. :)

{One in a Million by Hannah Montana (SHUTUP IT FIT THE TOPIC)}

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so joyous! I would give my left leg to go back to choir!
