
Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm gonna be the one who goes along with you.

I am STILL addicted to Veggie Tales Sweetpea Beauty. Like really. I made a Snoodlerella Easter egg, for goodness sakes. I've watched the episode like 4 times in the past two days. One of those times was at 10:00 at night. I've had dreams about this episode. Awesome. I am in the process of memorizing all of the Snoodlerella one, really. It'd probably be more convenient for my purposes.
Here is an exerpt. It's a spoiler if you haven't seen it, but it's my favorite part, so I couldn't contain myself. If you don't want to read it, you can scroll down. But I thought you might like it. It's from Snoodlerella, which is a twist off of Cinderella, where a girl (named Snoodlerella) with "glasses, braces, uncontrollable hair, and cumbersome graces" gets a makeover from Madame Blueberry and her woodland creature assistants. The makeover will only last until midnight, in which time Snoodlerella goes to a ball at the villages palace (just like Cinderella). As the clock strikes twelve, all of the people in the ballroom disappear, and she is alone with her old looks once again. Here's where the excerpt starts:

Again, there she stood, with glasses and braces,
Uncontrollable hair, and cumbersome graces.
So back to herself in that hall all alone,
She sat down her cup and turned to go home.

"Excuse me, young lady," a voice asked,
"If I might,"
"With permission of course have the last dance tonight?"

"With me?" she asked, startled, as she turned to the voice.
"You must be mistaken. I'm an aweful poor choice."

"Who told you you're aweful?" he asked,
"How do you know?"

"Can't you see for yourself?
The whole world tells me so."

Then onto the dance floor walked the King as he said:
"Would you like to, child, hear what I think instead?"

Then the hall filled with music as the King took her hand.
She asked, "Your majesty, please, I don't understand."

"I think you're beautiful," said the King as he smiled.
"I treasure you deeply, you're lovely my child.
I think you are beautiful, your hair and your braces,
Your glasses and clothes, your cumbersome graces.
And many more traits that I could speak of.
There's nothing about you I don't truly love.

"You're kind and you're honest,
Funny and smart.
You're really quite charming, you have a good heart."

"You're majesty," she asked as a tear came in view,
"I'd like to believe you. Is that really true?"
"Of course it is true, every word that I say.
Daughter, I am the King. And I made you that way.

"I delight in your beauty. You're wonderfully made.
I knew you before this foundation was laid.
You're precious to me, every hair on your head.
Daughter, hear and believe." the Snoodle king said.


I know you're crying. I did. I freakin' love that show. SERIOUSLY. Go watch it. It's on Netflix.
Happy day.

{I Would Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers}

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