
Monday, June 13, 2011

She thinks I'm psycho 'cause I like to rhyme her name with things.

Here are things I drooled over today.

This top. Is perfect.

This skirt looks so cozy. I would totally wear it to school. All the time.

This necklace rules the school. RUUUULLLLESS THE SCHHOOOOOLLLL. It has the prophecy from Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix in the little orb. "For neither can live while the other survives. AND it has a clock on the other side. AND that little hand is a nice touch. BUT it's $38. O.o

I have a thing for animals on jewelry. Particularly birds and elephants. Oh loveliness.

I HEART TOMS. Too bad they're like $65. Bleck.

These. Ones. Sparkle. Dude!

Cutest dress ever. The ruffles, the buttons, oh goodness.

I've never actually liked leopard prints, but this is really really cute.
{Better Than Revenge by Taylor Swift}

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