
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Your fingers are keys from the grandest piano.

So this is like the bajillionth time this month that I have changed the look of my blog.
I just stumbled upon the birdie background and I completely had little sparkly hearts in my eyes. And it was even better when I found a matching banner.
So now I think my blog is all that.
It's a pity this is a private blog. Bahaha.

Anyway, has anyone seen this Pottermore thing? I'm kind of feeling excited/unsure about it.
It's kind of mysterious as to what it is. It was supposed to be launched this morning, but I checked the website at 5:00 am this morning and it wasn't even up, it still said "Coming Soon". I brushed this off as being a time difference between us and London, and checked again a few hours later. It no longer said "Coming Soon", but what it did say wasn't much better. It had a video of J.K. Rowling explaining what the Pottermore website was supposed to be. I'm no genius, but that explanation was not very explanatory. I was pretty confused by the time it was over. Rowling said the website was supposed to be an "interactive internet experience to go along with the books". ...Huh? What did you just tell me? Not only that, but the website wasn't even "launched" in the least. It said to come back July 31 to register, but only a few lucky people would actually get to do that before October. Octoberrrrr??? What's going on here, J.K. Rowling? It's kind of irritating me. And I have a feeling that all this suspense is going to make all of us fans pretty dang disappointed when we actually get to finally see Pottermore in Oc-freakin'-tober. Let's face it, Rowling, all your fans are squirming in their seats as they staple red and gold Gryffindor themed paper chains together waiting for July 15, so they can FINALLY watch Harry Potter *SPOILER ALERT* kick Voldemort's sorry butt into the ground as Hogwarts crumbles to the ground around them.

We could care less about an interactive online experience.
That's all I have to say. Did anyone else get a different impression?

{Masters in China by Priscilla Ahn}

P.S. Did you think I forgot to post girls camp pictures?? You bet I didn't! I'm working on it. ;)
P.P.S. I un-privated my blog. You know, a few hours after I posted this. I still don't want everyone and their dog reading it. But now I can get a few people to go, "say, she's some kid."

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