
Monday, June 27, 2011

You can always count on me to make you better.

Girls camp...

Girls camp is early morning stops at QuikTrip for strawberry milkshakes.

Girls camp is spending 3 hours in a car, laughing until you hurt.

Girls camp is smearing shaving cream all over each others hair, faces and butts.

Girls camp is 19 lovely daughters of God gathered under one... campsite.

Girls camp is singing at the top of your lungs about mooses drinking juices, shaving your legs, Mormon boys, and Princess Pat's rickabamboo. Day in and day out.

Girls camp is reading the beehives bedtime stories. Because you lovey-love them.

Girls camp is hiking through horsey meadows and dodging pokey branches and crawling around caves.

Girls camp is reading letters from loved ones.

Girls camp is beautiful leaders who tell you they love you on practically a daily basis.

Girls camp is sneaking anonymous warm fuzzies into a leader's cubby because you love them so dang much.
Girls camp is late-night scripture study with the best Laurel adviser. EVERRRR.
Girls camp is cuddling with beehives in a blankie because it's actually cold at night. In Arizona. In the SuMmEr?!
Girls camp is midnight giggles about who can do the best impression of Brett when he loses an argument {me}.

Girls camps is marvelous cooks making marvelous foods.

Girls camp is taking sneak pictures of Brother Sevy because he kind of
resembles Mr. Fredrickson from Up. We love Brother Sevy.

Girls camp is almost crying because the beehives held hands and sang the camp song in their skit. Those are my girls.

Girls camp is patting beautiful beehives on the head because they're just so dang cute.

Girls camp is constantly reenacting scenes from Kid History, Marcel the Shell, and Nacho Libre.

Girls camp is laughing at Bishop getting knocked into a cold pond by his own first counselor.

Girls camp is being super competitive during game day.

Girls camp is beating the blue team's butts at game day.
Girls camp is getting a pantyhose leg full of flour stuffed down your shirt.
Girls camp is realizing makeup is for SQUARES.
Girls camp is raking leaves for a service project and turning it into a modeling op.

Girls camp is having the beehives tell you you're their favorite YCL because you brought them cotton candy to munch on while they waited for showers. And because you read them bedtime stories and share your blankie and pat them on their heads. No big deal.

Girls camp is getting realizing your feet look like they belong to children.

Girls camp is a plethora of spiritual experiences that remind you that you are a daughter of a king.

Girls camp is wearing bandanas and nerd glasses because you CAN.

Girls camp is re-falling in love with the beauty of Christ's creations.

Girls camp is pretty-pretty-please-ing leaders into taking you to Sonic for strawberry limeades on the way home.

Girls camp is just one more little manifestation that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the one and only true church on this earth, and the number one way to true happiness. :) I am so thankful that I am so lucky to be a part of this beautiful work.

Girls camp is becoming one.
Becoming one with yourself,
becoming one with each other,
and becoming one with Jesus Christ.
Or at least that was the theme anyway.

{Be Strong With Me by Jenny Phillips. It was our camp song}

P.S. My dream in life is to be a Beehive or Laurel adviser. {sorry Mia Maids. 14 and 15 year olds are super duper drama queens. Can't deal with it.} Really, anywhere in the young women program is good enough for me. Can I be in young women at 18 or 19 years old? Ehh? Ehhh?

P.P.S. Dude. There were SOO many pictures from this years girls camp. My friend Rachel took like 310. THREE-HUNDRED AND TEN. And there were also the legitimate pictures that the leaders made and put together on a disc for us. On that disc were 1,055 photos. 1,055! I had to make the decision to stop putting pictures on this post. Because seriously, these pictures aren't even the good ones. Whatevs.

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