
Thursday, October 13, 2011

i gave in to the bandwagon.

Age: 17 years old
Bedsize:Pfft. Twinner.
Chores that you hate: Despite everyone else I've talked to, I don't mind laundry (except for ironing. i dislike ironing..). I DO hate cleaning out the mixer after I bake. I hate it A LOT.
Dogs: What are you trying to ask? Do I have dogs? Yes, one big slobbery white labrador named Choxie. Do I like dogs? Yes, love them! When I grow up, I would love to have a bulldog or a tiny little shitzu. The only dogs I don't really like are pit bulls (they're mean) and cocker spaniels (they're habitually annoying.)
Essential start to your day: Normal things. Uhh, praying. I have to wear a cami under everything I wear. No exceptions. Oh, and deodorant? Deodorant too.
Favorite color: Sunshine-y yellow! Pink comes in a close second, though. ;)
Gold or Silver: Silver. Depends on what I'm wearing. Silver usually matches better, though.
Height: 5'-3 1/2''. or maybe 5'4". It varies, like, all the time. Weird.
Instruments you play: A little piano, and the kazoo. You know how it is.
Job title: Babysitter, sometimes petsitter. Hopefully something like yogurt scooper or Target cashier, soonly.
Kids: No, sir. I'm in high school, yo.
Live: Like we're dyinnn....
Mother's Name: Sharon Lee.
Nicknames:Alright, here we go. Pooter, Pooter-rootin'-tootie. Emerson Pooterpaldy, Emilita Encherita Refried Beansah, Miss Emma, Felix, Mimi.
Overnight hospital stays: Knock on wood, no. :S
Pet peeves: People who play dumb things on the piano when people are trying to get mutual/seminary started, people who keep playing the piano during the mutual activity like it's their calling or something, gauges (BLECK! WHO likes those??), clumpy mascara, fakey nails, tube tops, tattoos, weird textures in meat, when boys don't button up their button up shirts, even if there is a t-shirt underneath, health food over-enthusiasts, loud voices, dusty windowsills, girls who lack self-respect.
Quote from a movie or tv show: from A Little Princess: "'Don't tell me you still fancy yourself a princess? Child, look around you! Or better yet, look in the mirror!' 'I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags. Even if they aren't pretty, or smart, or young. They're still princesses. All of us. Didn't your father ever tell you that? Didn't he??'" from Legally Blonde: "This just doesn't make any sense. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands. They just don't!" from Nacho Libre: "'Do you remember that one time, when the crowd was calling my name, and I used my strength to rip my blouse?' 'Yeah, and then I saw them knock you unconscious, alright?'"
Right or Lefty: Righty-righty.
Siblings: two little brothers, and one little seester.
Time you wake up: On schooldays, 4:50 am. On weekends, about 8. On Sundays, about 5:45.
Underwear: Methinks they're brown with pink strawberry things on them.
Vegetable you hate: I HATE CELERY. It's all stringy and gross.
What makes you run late: Sleeping in. Usually. Or not being able to find my Debra mannequin head for beauty school.
X-Rays You've Had: When I was six, they checked my leg to see if it was broken, but really I had juvenile arthritis, also every few months when I was 11 until I was about 14, because of my skoliosis, and, you know, the dentist.
Yummy food you make: I like my refried beans. I am good at seasoning them. I also like my snickerdoodles, and peanut butter cookies. I'm not especially spectacular at any particular thing though.
Zoo Animal: Oh I do love wallabees. And birds of all sorts, and fishies. OH! And turtles. Them too.

1 comment:

  1. Methinks I like not being the only one who hopped onto this bandwagon! :) And I had no idea you had a love of birds! ...your best friend has a minor phobia of them. :)
