
Saturday, October 15, 2011

life is a big fat road trip.

so, i finished my personal progress yesterday.
*commence happy dance*
did you know i have the coolest happy dance ever?
you may or may not have known that.
well, people compliment me on it, like, always. seriously.
yeah. i just have to get my bishops interview tomorrow, and then i have young women in excellence on tuesday, so hopefully i'll get that lovely little medallion that night,so yeah. i'll pretty much be a babe.
a humble babe.

oh yeah, i almost forgot. i have a story.
it's kind of an old story. but whatevs.
so on tuesday, i was innocently sitting in the computer lab for 3rd hour english 101.
i was working intently on a film review for the movie minority report, when i heard someone pull into the chair next to me and SIGH. i didn't really notice this kid, because hello, i was kinda in the zone, people. but soon, he started asking me questions about the essay, what the teacher was looking for, things like that. then he rolled his little rollie chair to the other side of the room. okayyy.
soon, however, this kid was back. he asked me my name, and i told him. he told me he noticed i had a flower in my hair. good observation. and then he rolled away again. i was beginning to be weirded out.
i returned to my work. he rolled over again, and just kind of sat there. not even working on his essay. then my wonderful princess-friend victoria walked in (she was delivering something for another teacher or something) and she talked to me for a few minutes, alleviating the situation of the random awkward kid next to me. but as soon as she left, he turned to me again..
"so can i take you to homecoming?"

the thoughts running through my head: "whyyyyyyy is this happening to meeeeeee...." "i don't even really want friends in this class. i'm anti-social, and i want to work on my ESSAYS." and "i. don't. even. know. this. kid's. name."

i turned to him and tried to smile. "you know, i don't really know you. i don't feel comfortable going to homecoming with someone i've barely met."
he replied in the middle of my sentence, "oh, that's fine, that's fine, that's totally cool.... so you wanna have lunch together?"
I tried to answer, "I uhh--"
"Yeah, come on, yeahh?"
"Okay. I deserve a hug. Gimme a hug."
sooooo i awkwardly (i didn't mean for it to be awkward, i was trying to be as friendly and nice and non-heartbreakerish as i could, but i was CERTAINLY not happy) put my arm around his back and immediately returned to my essay. then sporatically throughout the remainder of the period:
"hey so what do you like to do in your freetime?"
"you're really really pretty. maybe we should hang out."
"what's your favorite kind of music" (and when i told him i liked country best), "oh, COUNTRY? lame. i'm going to get you into rap."
yeah. this is NNNOOOTTT gonna fly.
i DEFINITELY did not get as much of that essay done as i would have liked to.
as class ended, the following conversation happened:
emily: "um, i need to go to my mom's classroom to get something from her."
kid: "oh, okay, can i come with you?"
emily: "i think i'll be fine on my own, thanks."
emily walks away faster than she ever has before.

so then i ran to my mom's classroom and whined the whole story to her.
"and now he's waiting for me out there! i wanna hide!"
"emily, it's just a boy. you are such a freak."
"yes, well. alright."
something like that.

so i went to lunch. ate at my regular lunch table. stood the kid up. and oh, yeah. my mom is friends with my 3rd hour teacher so i made her figure out for me what this kid's name was.

the next day, i went to the computer lab and sat by a girl who seemed nice and normal to me. i was left in peace the whole class period to make up for my lack of productivity the day before thank you very much. but at the end of class, he approached me.
"so was that a yes or a no?"
"yeah, uh, i'm sorry. i'm just really not interested right now. i'm not dating anyone, and i don't plan on it this year. that's all."
"yeah, me neither. totally too busy for that."
..okay. so i offered friendship:
"you can, uh, eat at my table with my friends if you'd like. that'd be cool."
"well, no, i don't know your friends. that would be awkward!"
i wanted to slap the kid. THAT would be awkward? how about the last 24 hours of my life?
so the next day he asked for my number, and since a few people had told me to not be a jerk, i gave it to him. i told him i only wanted to text on it, and he said he didn't have texting. which i think was a blessing. i have gotten a couple of voicemail messages, and if he asks, hey, i told him texting only.

i wish i went to an all-girls school, for aspiring mormon nuns.

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