
Saturday, November 12, 2011

you know, hopes and dreams, and stuff.

there's so many things i want to be when i grow up. and i'm quite positive that i can mash all of these things into my life at once.
1. mama dearest
i love children. i can't wait to have a bunch of little munchkins and wipe goop off their little faces and read them books and such. and name them atticus and bianca. {i call DIBS on these names, people.}
2. Writer/journalist/legit.
it's my secret love. i really really really really love writing. my favorite is non-fiction and research type of stuff, but i do enjoy writing a story once and a while. and i should have you know that i once wrote a freestyle poem about the crucifixion of Christ, and it is like my pride and joy. ferrills.
3. cosmetologist. {only 7 more months until i'm done with beauty school!!}
oh tabatha coffey{aka my cosmetology idol}. i can only dream of being as cool as you. except for your potty mouth. just because you're british doesn't mean you can spit out every word you know in one episode. sheesh.
4. artist
i think i'll just move to rome for a year and paint on the side of the road, living off of spaghetti and italian sodas. but seriously, i love art. that's one of those talents that i really used to have, and i've neglected it for a while. i need to brush up on these skills...
5. thrift store owner
can i just do that?? because that would be SOME interesting experience, i tell you what.
6. motab member.
you're pretty much cool if you've been in the mormon tabernacle choir. i'd just have to live in utah while i do it. which would be fun for a period of time.

so yeah, basically i'm going to rule the world when i grow up.
P.S. So that last post where I pretty much made stuff up about my "dream apartment?" Yeah that was weird, huh. I did that for a scholarship, but they didn't get back with me on it. So that's what that was all about. Just lettin' ya know.

1 comment:

  1. I swear! DECIDING IS SO HARD!
