
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

DAY 2: Favorite princess

The reason it was so hard for me to choose my "favorite movie" the other day was because of the princess that I am choosing for today's post! This princess is just so wonderfully awesome, that I wanted to say her movie was my favorite, but I saved her for today.
Ladies and gentlemen, my favorite princess (again, Rapunzel comes in a close close second..)

Mulan is an amazing princess! 
Please, she's free-spirited, she loves her family, she's willing to risk her life and her honor to spare her father, she saves China, and she can pretty much take down Shan-Yu, that crazy leader of the Huns! That guy scared me to bits when I was little, what with his gray skin and all.
Anyway, I love Mulan. She's brave, compassionate, and beautiful! Love her.

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