
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Oh-hoh-hohhhh... Let ME tell YOU!

I had a cray-cray day.

So this afternoon, I'm just vacuumin' my bedroom, it is almost perfectly, pristine clean. When I hear the telephone ring. I go see who it is, and Caller ID says "Little Caesars". So I'm all "Oh, okeedokee, they probably just want some more information for their file or whatever!" So I answer all cheerfully.
"Hello, is this Emily?"
"It sure is!"
"This is Nick {my boss}. Um, you're late for your first day of work."

So I'm like:

 "Oh my gosh! No, I don't start until next week!!"
"No. You started thirty minutes ago."
"I swear, Nick, I swear you said next Wednesday. I am so sorry! I'm so so so so sorry!" 
"Well, you NEED to come in. How soon can you get here?"
"Give me less than an hour." (I didn't want to give him something too short and be late for that too.)
"Okay. Be here in an hour. I'll let you go, because obviously it was a misunderstanding."
So I run, and I weep, and I speed down to Little Freaking Caesars in half an hour.

And when I walk in, Nick is all, "It's okay. It was a misunderstanding. I think me or my boss (the owner) might have told you next Wednesday. But you'll just be on a probationary period for a while." 
Ohhhkayyy. So I was right?? And I'm getting put on probation? 

I HAVEN'T EVEN DONE ANYTHING! This isn't even my--just--what the??-- Whatever.

So I got to work. And as it turns out, I am the master commander at spreading sauce onto dough, and arranging pepperonis in an orderly fashion. However, I am not so smooth with the cheese. It kind of falls out in large heaps and annoys me. And then when i try to spread it, the sauce gets all over it and makes a mess, and apparently when it does that the sauce burns or something. So sad. And then at the end, my boss showed me my schedule, and he put me in on Sunday afternoon. I was like:
I specifically put on my application that I could not work Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Sundays. You. Have. To. Be. Kidding. But I was scared to cross him when I had already ticked him off, what with being an hour late and all. So I went out to my truck and called my mom, and she said that if it was ON my application that I COULDN'T work on Sundays, than he needs to change it. So I went back in, explained myself, and he was fine and changed it lickety split.
So the day was KIND of wierd. I have a feeling most work days won't be that psychotic though.
And also don't think I'll work there for super long, honestly. Once I can find a good salon job that will give me lots of good continued education, I will totally go for that. Because they will pay way better than minimum wage and won't smell like jalapenos. :)
So that was my story for today. Did you like my use of GIFs and memes? I have totally been obsessing over GIFs. Especially of the Harry Potter and The Office sort. Kind of in love. ;) 

Well, too-da-loo!


  1. Oh. my. gosh. Mimi... I am horrified. I don't even know what I would have done in that situation! I mean, I can help a twelve year old kill a scorpion without breaking down, but if my manager had called me and told me that I probably would have started bawling and said something along the lines of, "Oh my gosh I am SOOOOO sorry! I am a terrible person, it was a mistake in hiring me because as you can tell I am just irresponsible! Just fire me so I never have to face you again!" And then I would have crawled into bed and gone into hibernation for the next three years of my single life.
    I am so proud of you! I think you handled the situation like a pro! And... seriously? "Probation"? What kind of crap-shoot operation are they running over there? Dude, you show them what a babe-a-licious pizza making pro you are and they'll love you!
    We will have so much fun making fun of this scenario tomorrow when we totes throw a party before Institute tomorrow... I can feel it. :)


    P.S. Holy long comment!

  2. Oh! And I DID love your GIFs, where do you find them all??? :)
