
Saturday, September 08, 2012

Emily Jardine Lately.

So, I haven't blogged in a while. Except for yesterday. But that was whatever, because it was just me copying and pasting photo urls of clothes that I covet. And coveting is wrong. So basically, it didn't even count. 
I think I just have had writers block. Which is silly, because I totally have things to write about. I just started college, I have my first job, they split my ward at church. Basically, I have a colorful variety of things to talk about. 
Fear no more, however, for my writer's block is finished. I'm good now.

So, not last Tuesday, but the Tuesday before that, (August 21) I started college, guys!
My first class was my introduction to education class. I think that's my favorite class right now. Except for the talks we have about how teachers get paid hardly anything, and can't hardly support a family on that crap. Those talks are super encouraging {sarcasm}. But I like that class because my teacher is super nice, and she used to be an elementary school teacher and a principal, and on her very own birthday, she brought us Dunkin' Donuts! What a dear! I am excited because for that class we have to do 30 hours of service learning at a school, and I can't wait to work with the childrens and get a feel for the job!

My next class is Psychology 101. I like this class pretty well, we have some lively, talkative fellows in that class that keep it interesting. The teacher is also nice. I almost thought she was too nice, like a fakey fakey nice, but I think she really smiles all the time because she likes to smile all the time, not because she has to put on a face for us. I had a teacher in high school who put on a face for us. I was like, really? We're sixteen. We don't want you to pretend to be so excited about everything you're teaching. Goodness. But anyway, I like the class. It's not super hard. The teacher does Power Points/lectures, we take notes, and we talk about wacky brain things. And on Tuesday she cancelled class. Which has never happened to me before, so she gets first spot on my good list.

Next comes institute! For those of you who don't know what institute is, it is a religious class that teaches the doctrine of the LDS church. It's kind of like seminary was in high school, but the school is not affiliated, so it doesn't show up on your schedule of classes or anything, and there are a lot more classes you can choose from. They have the basic Book of Mormon classes, Doctrine and Covenants, stuff like that, but they also have teachings of Joseph Smith, teachings of John, and sometimes mission prep and marriage prep. The class I chose is Doctrine and Covenants. I am enjoying it. I really enjoyed Doctrine and Covenants when I was in seminary in high school, I think it was my favorite.

Right after that comes my public speaking class. Gosh dang that class. It is a dilemma because I obviously didn't think through the fact that my institute class ends 10 minutes before my public speaking class begins, and I have to go across a large street, to a building deep into the campus, up to the third floor of that building. It's pretty hard to get to class on time. In fact, usually, I don't get to class on time. Boo. And then, the teacher is a little funny. She thinks it's outlandish and that our world is going down the toilet because we aren't keeping up with all of the debates and all of the conventions and all of the speeches leading up to the presidential elections. Yes, I think it's important to be informed. Yes, I am going to vote. I think it's messed up to not vote, and then complain about the results. But GURL. I got things to do! I try my 18-year-old girl best to understand who's got what kind of policies, and which ones will affect my life, and I vote for whoever I don't think will destroy our economy. It's not super complicated. I don't have to watch every republican speech ever given at the republican convention to know if I should vote for Mitt Romney. It's okay. Oh, and she went on a rant about how she can't stand stay-at-home moms. Which is cool. Not.

Last but not least, I have intermediate algebra. I was so nervous going into that class, because I wasn't exactly Miss Math Whiz in high school, and on top of that, I haven't taken math since my junior year, so I figure I'm a little rusty. And I got even more nervous when the teacher was writing things wrong on the board. Like, doing the equation wrong. I was like, heaven help us now. But, I think I'm going to be okay. I think the math section of my brain has had time to regroup, and the concepts coming into my head are making more sense and being more clear. I'm doing well on homework assignments, guys! That is not how it was in high school. I'm very thankful. I hope it keeps going well like this.

So yeah, those are the classes I have every Tuesday and Thursday, allll day long, back to back, one after the other. I like that I only have to go to school two days a week, but those two days are long ones, I tell you what. I may or may not schedule my next semester the same way. Maybe. 

So, there's that for you. Too-da-loo.

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