
Friday, July 06, 2012

And every little thing you do I do adore.

I'm in a cutesy mood today.

Like, teacups and kittens and dresses and nail polish.

Actually, now that I kind of thought that through, I'm in the mood for those things all of the time.

Oh, well, I'm in an Emily Jardine mood today.

My mama found a tutorial on the lovely Pinterest today that teaches you how to make your own maxi skirts. We decided we are going to make a whole legion of maxi skirts. Because they are pretty much the comfiest thing, and what does a college student want more than comfy clothes?

Speaking of clothes, remember a few posts ago where I was talking about modesty? And then remember the next one where I was kinda like, "Oh hai I want to make a fashion blog, but hai, I hate my clothes, and they are way lame and not cuh-ute." Well, I still want to do it. I even picked out a blog name, and reserved the domain name, and even made a cute little blog title banner. Now I just have to get some cute clothes so I can write about them.
Like maxi skirts.
Once my wardrobe is sufficiently adorbs, I will make all of you read this new fashion blog I speak of. Because I really do like clothes. And I really do value modesty. And I really do want to blog about it.

The end.

P.S. Speaking of kittens (remember?! we were talking about kittens!), my poor cat Harvey is feeling sick lately. He has been throwing up every few hours for the past two days, and he's doing that pitiful thing that cats sometimes do where they burrow under blankets to hide their shamefulness. It is quite a sad thing. We even tried to cheer him up by turning on the bathtub so it trickles water down for him to drink and wash his hands. He usually loves that! But he just looked at it and laid back down. Poor Harvey. If you would, keep him in your prayers. He is my little buddy, and I really want him to get better and play with me. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, not Harvey! :( I love that fat, crazy old man. I need to come over and give him some sympathy cat nip, alright?
    But in regards to a fashion blog, all I have to say is FINALLY! Please don't wait, I'm to excited and impaient! Just show off your EVIT smocks or something n the meantime, okay??? :)
