
Tuesday, July 24, 2012


This is my mushy gushy post about what I want in my future husband. I'm being quite frank. (Oh yeah, and it is currently midnight. Like, 12:00 ON the dot. So take that into account just in case I say something really whackadoodle.)

1. First and foremost, he must take me to the temple.
I will be married in the house of the Lord.

2. He will be gentle.
I am tired of men with raging tempers. I want someone who is tender and loves.

3. But he also must be ready to defend his family.
Haha, this is funny, but seriously. He and I will know where the secret shotgun is, for when our daughters turn sixteen.

4. He will be a leader.
I believe in specific roles, as far as situations permit. Fathers are the patriarchs of the home. They lead. We will teach our children from the scriptures daily, and he will lead. We will have family home evening weekly, and he will preside. Our children will know that dad is the king, and mom is the queen, and that we work together, and have our own roles that come together to serve the same purpose. And that's where it's at.

5. He will be a hard worker.
I hope he gets a good education, too. But you know, if he is willing to work hard, I'm content with it if his dream is to fix cars or do peoples pest control. I want a man who will do what he loves, but also put the well-being of his family very first and work hard for his money.

6. He will have a sense of humor.
We'll be spending eternity together. I'd better be able to stand him, let alone share a plethora of inside jokes.  And seriously, life gets hard. Sometimes it plain sucks. And when we are newlyweds with no money, we can choose to fight and grump and be irritable at each other until we hate each other. Or we can poke fun about how dirt poor we are, because no trial lasts forever.

Those are my basic musts. Now here are a few frivolous, silly hopes ;) :

-I hope he love Harry Potter. Or at least books in general. Please read with me.
-You know, I just have a hard time with blonde boys. I have met quite a few blonde boys (and if you think you know who I'm talking about, you're probably right) who think they are GOD'S GIFT TO WOMEN. And I can't STAND it. I find that kind of personality quite repulsive, actually. So anyway, a few blonde boys have scarred me and now I feel like every blonde boy think's he is the cat's pajamas, and I am just quite a bit more attracted to brunette and ginger boys in general. So I hope he's brunette or ginger.
-Okay. This one is ALMOST a must. I really want him to sympathize with the fact that I am kind of afraid of a lot of things. Did you guys know that about me? When I was little, I had to go through a little bit of counseling because I was terrified of EVERYTHING. And I'm still kind of like that to a lesser extent. I'm still not a risk taker, and I'm still afraid of bugs and heights and the dark and deep water. And my point is that he had better be okay with that and not try to throw me out into lakes or anything like that.
-NO STUFFED ANIMALS. Acceptable valentines gifts include: Flowers, simple jewelry, dinner, books, or something that is useful for me.

Yeah. That's what I can think of right now. Now it is 12:51 am. So I am going to bed. Good night (or good morning).

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